As the cost of university tuition fees creep higher and higher, for many, getting a degree no longer seems practical. When it comes to kick starting a career in engineering, there’s really no better option than getting practical experience by pursuing an apprenticeship rather than a traditional academic degree, giving young people real industry experience and the freedom to earn while they learn.

Our apprentices get their hands dirty right from the start, getting the chance to work towards their qualification and work on projects with the rest of the Stead Engineering team. Perfect for those kinaesthetic learners who would rather get stuck in than read about engineering in a book, we see our apprentices flourish by being given the chance to apply themselves in the work place.

And where would Stead Engineering be without apprentices? Whilst we like to think that, by taking on an apprentice, we are helping to shape their future, they also have a significant impact on our own future as a business. Bringing in new talent and fresh perspectives, the apprentices of today are the industry leaders of tomorrow. Recently, John Reid, the manager of a Michelin factory in Dundee spoke out about how he believes the success of the company would not have been possible without the work of their engineering apprentices, and we believe the same to be true of Stead Engineering. We value the work of our hard working apprentices and love watching them grow into skilled professional engineers.

As the 10th National Apprentice Week launches, it’s important to recognise the value of apprenticeships, for both the employer and apprentice. Whilst we offer bespoke engineering to all of our clients, we also offer bespoke and practical learning to our apprentices, engineering the futures of the next generation of specialists.

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